Creating Revving Wings album


Released on July 4th 2012, all songs from the debut album "Revving Wings" were Remastered by Simon Heyworth - Imogen Heap, Depeche Mode, Kate    Havnevik, Erasure and more and Sonovo Mastering. Remixed by Roberto Vigo in Genova, Italy and Andre Hoth in San Diego, CA. Happy to say that they now sound like they were meant to be - palpable, close up vocals and beautiful arrangements are all balanced!!

"Passionate composer and songwriter Nikki Forova writes about simple and forgotten truths and the beauties of life. Her music is able to provoke individuals to seek true spirituality within themselves by reaching out beyond social norms or media conditioning."  - Santa Monica Observer

 Nikki about the album: To me, Revving Wings is a musical and lyrical expression about human nature, love, and universal balance the way I perceive itContrast, dynamics, breath, growth, dance-like elements and wide spectrum of emotional colors, light and dark stories are in the songwriting and the "orchestration" of "Revving Wings." This album is expressed by traditional pop/rock instruments such as piano, guitar, drums, bass. I also wanted to use strings in the way they are used in the motion pictures - I wanted to create a movie feel since every song here is a story, and film music so capably carries a listener into any emotion, feeling, life situation and makes it feel extremely real that you forget who you are, where you're from and what time it is at that moment!

Interwoven in between all of that are my favorite uniquely expressive folk instruments: Russian Balalaika, Chinese Erhu, and Accordion. Electronic elements emerge here and there throughout this work. The instruments explore in traditional and non-traditional ways - I wanted to paint pictures with them, therefore in my arrangements and musician's improvisations in the studio we went on exploring their full range and dynamics, stepping out of the norms of style and placing no limits whatsoever as to how they are used.

And now with Love I deliver to you "Revving Wings!"  
Most Sincerely and Musically Yours,  


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